Joining Digital Library reaches thousands more children

iLearnabout has been added to the Thika Alumni Trust's Digital Library, reaching thousands of children in Kenya.

The Thika Alumni Trust, a UK charity that builds e-learning centres in schools in Kenya, has added iLearnabout to its "Internet-in-a-Box" Digital Library range of educational resources.

The Trust currently works closely with 41 schools, reaching over 40,000 children, providing free hardware and installation along with selected teaching materials, workshops, and support.

Harpal Punia, Chair of the Trust, commented, "We provide vital ICT equipment and offline access to some of the world's best educational materials. We are excited to include iLearnabout's special conservation programme in our Digital Library range, as we strive to bridge the educational gap and ensure all students have the tools and resources to thrive in the modern world. Teachers and children have already started learning about the environmental challenges and solutions that affect them using iLearnabout."

For more details see and

Image credit: Thika Alumini Trust
